An infant’s life is filled with love, joy and intimacy. An adult’s life is filled with everything else. Relationships need work, work needs commitment, commitment needs vision and we are shortsighted needing glasses. The pursuit of an ideal is not the purpose; the purpose is to spend life and hand over the mess to our kids. If the child got a 4×4 vehicle to complete his/her journey of life, we through our inertia have placed it right in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a pond of mud. A great start is on its way a lousy story of increasing loneliness and despair.
I grew up to take responsibility, as those were the stories I heard. Nevertheless, the mess was so bad; I continued to stick to stories on newer devices and newer formats. I learnt ignorance and lazy inaction is bliss from my idol, father/mother. They are my God.
I have to take one of two paths, each equally honorable and worthy. One is living life as it is, nothing more nothing less – it is the divine bliss of nothingness. The other is changing it alone – it is the human condition exploring perfection. Majority make living a social exercise killing the spontaneity of life itself. They mixed both paths and compromised thought & action. Instead they should have chosen one path with thought and acted with conviction. Read on if you feel you are the 1% on the other path – the one exploring perfection.
Not yet
Being worthy of worship and still I feel desperate and lost. My natural instinct tells me to erase all, destroy everything and everyone, cause anarchy and create a clean slate. How naïve.
I contrast this feeling as remember the name of Okhil Chandra Sen. A man from Kolkata, who got so pissed at train coaches with no toilets (in 1909) in Indian trains that he acted productively on it. You are equally pissed off, but unlike him, your name is not worth remembering because you have no clue how to be productive about your anger. You seek to complain and destroy. Good luck with the mess you are creating for your next generation.
I do not advocate being practical. ‘Practical’ is the biggest load of shit indoctrinated by each institution we have encountered growing up. It wastes time, the only resource that is in limited supply. You may argue ethics here, and I would leave the discussion, as my time is more valuable than your ethics. You need a vision but you pretend; pretend to be busy doing things wasteful way.
An ideal humanity is not the vision nor an ideal environment on earth. The vision is of an ideal human, from whose mistakes the child learns. Your first choice as a human is to create your vision of an ideal human. That ideal human may be a hacker running a government single-handedly or a tourist just there to explore the planet. Having the picture of your vision in your mind is more important than what picture.
This picture would take multiple lifetimes and multiple you to achieve it. This is a sign that the vision is grand. There are no limits to this grand vision. Paint your picture or create your movie as grand as you can imagine. This is the dream that plays in the background of your mind each moment of your breathing life. You are getting the thought half right.
I believe the ideal human loves his/her self, chooses his intimacy with people and goals, enjoys the bittersweet fruits of his decisions and actions. (S)He is pissed that the previous generations wasted time and did not work on a vision worthy of intelligence. He doesn’t worry how vision for humankind will shape as a sum of all such actions, he is calm with rage to fulfil his own purpose – the purpose (s)he chose.
The vision picture does not exist in the real world today. Few years’ later parts of it will be, and much of it may be real until your life ends. It all depends on the purpose you choose to put your will to. Break down this vision into projects that you can do alone. These projects are parts of the jigsaw puzzle you are solving. The projects would not be practical, nor ethical but necessary. Work on the “masterplan” to get each project done. Meanwhile life is dangerous so enjoy smallest things in the moment you are living.
For each masterplan that fails, believe that you would have a better masterplan to achieve your picture. The mess around pains you, and in your picture you either love your makers more or destroy them. At the very least, a human is deciding what happens his/her species. Whatever you decide, act on your projects now. There are infinite joys and abundance in your world. Be thankful you have limited time and grateful that you alone are responsible. Pursuing my vision each moment is the perfection I seek in my life. And I hope my child would show me how I could have done it better. This way you are getting the action half right.
A foetus is an unborn infant. It is the possibility of life and yet we have not granted a pronoun like she / he to talk about them. Respect is the only additional layer of social interaction an intelligent being can bring, and we are yet to do it through our language. This disrespect continues by us imposing our views on our kids calling it love. We do not need more unconditional love. Respect your children’s wish to re-write your vision into a better one through their eyes. Respect the other individual’s will to destroy your world and fight him/her worthy of a legend. Give respect so maybe long after you go, your name would receive the respect you gave. Else, you are the animal our species still trying to evolve from. It all comes from the language of your dreams. Let your respect show as you merge not yet (thought) and now (action) into your masterpiece.